Brief and Parallel History of the World
From Big Bang to Our Time

13 billion years ago............Universe was created with the Big Bang.

4.5 billion BC............Planet Earth is formed

3 billion BC............First sign of life appear in the ocean..........
600 million BC............Earliest fossil record found...........
4.4 million BC............Australopithecus ramidus lived in Ethiopia. Fossil found in 1994.

2.5 million BC............Homo habilis (Handy man) lived in Africa. Used stone tools.

1.8 million BC............Homo erectus lived. Brain size was double of Australopithecus species.

1.7 million BC............Homo erectus leaves Africa..........
100,000 BC............Homo sapiens lived in South Africa..........
70000............Neanderthal man lived.

35000............Cro-magnon man lived..........
18000Cro-magnon man replaced by later cultures......................
15,000 BC...Migration across the Bering Straits into the Americas.

10,000 BC............Development of settlement into cities. Civilization started..........
4,500 BC.....................Sumerians in the Tigris and Euphrates valleys develop a city-state civilization

4,300 BC.....................Egyptian agriculture develops.
4,241 BC.....................Earliest recorded date in Egyptian calendar.
3,760 BC.....................First year of Jewish calendar.
3,500 BC.....................Sumerians develop first phonetic writing.
3,000BC..................Indus Valley civilisation.

Copper used by Egyptians and Sumerians.
2,700 BC.....................Pharaonic rule begins in Egypt.
2,680 BC.....................Construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza completed.
2,600 BC...Maya civilisation flourished in Central America...................
2,000 BC.....................Profet Abraham leaves Ur. Ur was one of the cities of Sumeria.

1,800 BC.....................Hammurabi, king of Babylon, develops oldest existing code of laws.

1,700 BC.....................Hyksos invaders drive Egyptians from Lower Egypt.
1,600 BC.....................Amosis I frees Egypt from Hyksos.
1,500 BC...Olmec civilization in Mexico...Chinese civilization develops under Shang Dynasty. .........Assyrians rise to power—cities of Ashur and Nineveh. Cuneiform inscriptions used by Hittites.
1,200 BC..................Rig veda compiled.

1,193 BC...............Greeks destroy Troy.......
1,000 BC..................Ramayana and Mahabharata era.Solomon succeeds King David, builds Jerusalem temple. After Solomon's death, kingdom divided into Israel and Judah. Hebrew elders begin to write Old Testament books of Bible.

776 BC...............First recorded Olympic games.......
753 BC...............City of Rome founded by Romulus.......
616 BC.....................End of Assyrian Empire.
604 BC.........Lao-tse, philosopher and founder of Taoism is born.............
586 BC.....................Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar destroys Jerusalem; enslaves the Jews.

569 BC...............Pythagoras, Greek philosopher and mathematician.

551 BC.........Confucius develops ethical and social philosophy in China. ............
539 BC.....................Cyrus the Great of Persia creates great empire, conquers Babylon and frees the Jews.
500 BC..................Budda receives Enlightenment...
490 BC...............Greeks defeat Persians in the battles of Marathon ......
460 BC...............Hippocrates, “Father of Medicine” is born in Greece.......
447 BC...............The Parthenon is built in Athens as a temple of the goddess Athena.......
428 BC...............Plato was born......
399 BC...............Trial and execution of Socrates.......
384 BC...............Aristotle was born.......
356 BC...............Alexander the Great is born.......
347 BC........................
330 BC...............Euclid's work on geometry.Alexander the Great Invades India...
323 BC........................
287 BC...............Archimedes, Greek mathematician.......
273 BC..................Reign of Asoka. Spreads Buddhism....
221 BC.........Begining of Qin dynasty (221 BC). Start of Imperial China.............
215 BC.........Great Wall of China built.............
206 BC.........Han Dynasty founded by the peasant rebel leader Liu Bang, known posthumously as Emperor Gaozu of Han. ............
191 BC...............Beginning of Roman world domination. ......
71 BC...............Spartacus leads slave revolt against Rome.

55 BC...............Julius Caesar invades Britain and conquers Gaul (France) ......
51 BC.....................Cleopatra on Egyptian throne (51-31 BC)
47 BC.....................Herod makes Roman governor of Judea.
44 BC...............Julius Caesar murdered.

43 BC...............Roman poet Ovid is born.......
31 BC...............Julius Caesar's nephew, Octavian, defeats Mark Antony and Cleopatra at Battle of Actium.......
30 BC.....................Cleopatra died.
27 BC...............Augustus becomes Roman emperor.......
19 BC...............Aqua Virgo was completed in Rome by Marcus Agrippa

4 BC.....................Jesus is born

Nativity Story
14...............Augustus dies. Tiberius becomes emperor. ......
30.........Han dynasty founded by Emperor Kuang Wu Ti. Buddhism introduced to China..........Jesus is crucified.

34.....................Missionary journeys of Paul the Apostle (34-60).
37...............Tiberius dies. Caligula becomes Emperor......
41...............Caligula assassinated. Claudius.becomes emperor.......
54...............Claudius poisoned. Nero becomes emperor. ......
64...............Roman persecutions of Christians begin.......
68...............Nero commits suicide.......
70...............Jews revolt against Rome; Jerusalem destroyed.......
71...............Colosseum built in Rome (71-80).

98...............Trajan rules Rome (98-116)......
100Claudius Ptolemy was born

......Paper is invented by Chai Loon......Compilation of the Kama sutra begins in India.

117...............Hadrian rules Rome (117-138). Hadrian wall is built between England and Scottland.......
126...............Pantheon was built in Rome.

161...............Marcus Aurelius rules Rome (161-180). ......
220.....................Goths invade Asia minor.
250...Classic period of Mayan civilization (250–900)...End of Han dynasty....Increasing invasions of the Roman empire by Franks and Goths. ......
312...............Constantine the Great (rules 312-337) reunites eastern and western Roman empires.......
320..................Start of Gupta dynasty in India (c. 320). Chandra Gupta I became king of Magadha, modern Bihar. His capital was Patilaputra, modern Patna....
330...............Roman Emperor Constantine builds new capital Constantinople on site of Byzantium. Beginning of Byzantine empire.Samudra Gupta, son of Chandra Gupta I, became king....
337...............Costantine becomes christian on his death bed.......
360...............Huns (Mongols) invaded Europe.

Atila the Hun
380..................Chandra Gupta II, son of Samudra Gupta became the king. He took a title of Vikramaditya, which became a synonym for sovereign of tremendous power and wealth....
395...............Roman Empire got devided again in East and West......
415..................Kumar Gupta I, son of Chandra Gupta II, became the king of Magadha....
450...............Roman occupation of Britain weakened. The Saxons increased their attacks and began to settle there. ......
453...............Attila, King of the Huns died. He was the most successful of the barbarian invaders of the Roman Empire.

455..................Skanda Gupta, became king. He successfully repelled the early Hun invasions....
476...............Western Roman Empire ends. Odoacer, German chieftain, overthrows last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus, and becomes king of Italy.......
499..................Astronomer Aryabhatta calculated PI as 3.1416, solar year as 365.358 days. (actual 365.242199) He also introduced the digit 0....
570.....................Profet Mohammed (s) is born
600...............The Saxons and their neighbors the Angles were firmly established in the island, laying the foundations of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms......
606.....................Profet Mohammed's (s) daughter, Fatima, is born.
610.....................Muhammad (s) receives first revelation.
622.....................Profet Mohammed (s) flees from Mecca to Medina.
632.....................Profet Mohammad (s) passed away on 8-Jun-632 Abu Bakr became the first Caliph of Islam.
634.....................Abu Bakr the first Caliph of Islam died and Omar became caliph.

General Khalid bin Walid conquered Damascus, a Byzantine city.
637.....................Arabs conquer Jerusalem
641.....................Arabs destroy Alexandrian library.
644.....................Caliph Omar was assassinated by a Persian and Osman became the 3rd caliph.
656.....................Caliph Osman was assassinated and Ali became the caliph.
661.....................Caliph Ali was assassinated and Muawiyah (I) (great grandson of Umayya) founded Umayyad Caliphate. The base of Islamic power moves from Medina to Damascus.
681.....................Yazid (I), son of Muywiya (I) became caliph.
683.....................Yazid (I) died in an accident. His son Muawiyah (II) became the ruller.
701..................Start of Pala dynasty. Gopala was the first Pala ruler. They ruled Bihar and Bengal. Capital of Pala dynasty was in Bihar. Palas were Buddhists....
711...............Tariq bin Ziyad crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and decisively defeated Visigoth King Roger at the Battle of Guadalete. Begining of Moorish rule in Iberian peninsula (Spain).......
712..................Arab conquest of Sind by Mohammed bin Qasim....
743.....................Umayyad caliph Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik died. Civil war started in Islamic world.
762.....................After the fall of Umayyad dynasty in Damascus first Abbasid caliph, Al-Mansur commissioned the construction of the city of Baghdad.
770..................Dharmapala became the king....
775.....................After the death of Al-Mansur his son Al-Mahdi became the caliph of Baghdad.
800+...............Scandinavian warriors raided the coasts of Europe and the British Isles Viking Age begins.......
810..................Devapala became the king....
900...Maya civilisation starts to decline...................
909.....................Imam Abdullah al-Mahdi Billah established Fatamid (Shia Islamic) Caliphate in north west Africa.
969.....................Fatamids conquered Egypt and established Cairo as the capital.
971..................Mahmud of Ghazni was born in the town of Ghazna in Medieval Khorasan (modern southeastern Afghanistan)....
988..................Mahipala I became the king....
1025..................Mahmud of Ghazni attacked Somnath temple....
1066...............William the Conqueror (William I) of Normandy invades England, defeats last Saxon king, Harold II, at Battle of Hastings.

1077..................Rampala, the last major Pala ruler, became the king....
1087...............William the Conqueror died. His second son William II became king.Hemantasena starts the Sena (Hindu) dynasty. They ruled Bengal and Bihar....
1095..................Vijayasena became the king....
1096.....................First Crusade
1099...............Viking Age ends....During the First Crusade, Christian knights from Europe capture Jerusalem after seven weeks of siege and begin massacring the city’s Muslim and Jewish population.
1100...............William II died. His younger brother Henry I became king.......
1122..................Rampala died. End of Pala dynasty....
1127...............Matilda, daughter of Henry I became queen of England.......
1147.....................The Second Crusade (1147–1149) started in response to the fall of some Christian territory to the Muslims, land that was taken by the Christians during the First Crusade.
1154...............Henry II, son of Matilda became king.......
1162..................Genghis Khan was born

1163...............Notre Dame of Paris - construction begins.......
1167...............From a small existence since 1096, Oxford University developed quickly when Henry II banned English students from attending the University of Paris. ......
1171.....................Saladin, a vizier of Fatimid Egypt topples the Fatimids and proclaimed himself the sultan.
1173..................Sultan Muhammad Ghori (from Ghor, central Afganistan) began a systematic war of expansion into north India....
1178..................Laksmanasena became the king....
1187.....................Salauddin takes over Jerusalem from the Christians at the battle of Hattin.

Kingdom of Haven
1189...............Pope Gregory VIII called for a Third Crusade. Frederick Barbarossa of the Holy Roman Empire, Philip Augustus of France and Richard the Lionheart of England formed an alliance to reconquer Jerusalem....The Third Crusade (1189–1192) started. Known as The Kings' Crusade.
1192.....................Failing to reconquer Jerusalem, Richard signed a treaty with Saladin.
1193..................Muhammad Ghori. conquered Delhi and installed his slave Quṭb ud-Din Aibak as his govorner. Beginig of Delhi Sultanat.Saladin died.
1199...............John, son of Henry II, brother of Richard of Richard I, becomes king of England.Work on the Qutab minar was started by Qutb-ud-din Aibak in 1199...
1200...End of Maya civilisation...................
1202..................Laksmanasena was expelled from Nadia by the Turkish chief Muhammad Bakhtyar Khalji . He was a lieutenant of Qutb-ud-Din Aybak, founder of Slave dynasty in Delhi....
1206..................Muhammad Ghuri, the last Turkish conqueror of North India was assassinated. His slave Qutb-ud-Din Aybak became of the first muslim ruler of Delhi. (Slave dynasty). Begining of Delhi sultanate....
1210..................Qutb-ud-Din Aybak died in a polo accident. His son-in-law Iltutmish became the ruler of Delhi....
1215...............King John issues Magna Carta......
1216...............Henry III, son of King John, became king of England.......
1226...............Cambridge University was established.......
1227.........Genghis Khan died.

1233...............Pope Gregory IX established the papal Inquisition (French Inq.)......
1236..................29 April, 1236 - Iltutmish died. His daughter Sultana Raziyya took over....
1246..................Delhi sultanate was controlled by Ghiyas-ud-Din Balban, who was to be sultan himself from 1266 to 1287. Under Balban the Delhi sultanate fought off several Mongol invasions. The Slave dynasty ended when Jalal-ud-Din Firuz Khalji staged a successful coup on June 13, 1290, and brought the Khaljis to power....
1254...............Marco Polo was born in Venice.......
1258.....................Halaku (Hulagu) Khan destroys Bagdad.
1270.....................Last Crusade

1271.........Marco Polo of Venice travels to China............
1272...............Edward I, son of Henry III, became the king of England.......
1290..................June 13, 1290 - Start of Khalji dynasty by sultan Jalal-ud-Din Firuz Khalji. This is the second Muslim dynasty in Delhi. ...
1294.........Kublai Khan died.............
1305...............William Wallace (Scottish Hero) was hanged, drawn, and quartered for high treason King Edward I of England.

1307Ibn Batuta was born in Morocco.............Edward II, son of Edward I, became the king of England....Devine Comedy by Dante Alighieri was published.
1320..................The last Khalji, Qutb-ud-Din Mubarak Shah, was murdered in 1320 by his chief minister, Khusraw Khan, who was in turn replaced by Ghiyas-ud-Din Tughluq, the first ruler of the Tughluq dynasty....
1324...............Marco Polo died.......
1325Ibn Batuta started travelling. During his 29 years of travels, he covered 120,000 km, and reached as far as China. ............Beginning of Renaissance in ItalyGhiyas-ud-Din Tughluq reconquered Bengal, which had been independent under Muslim kings since the death of Balban. While returning from the Bengal campaign, the sultan was killed when a wooden shelter collapsed on him at Afghanpur, near Delhi. Although some historians have argued that Muhammad ibn Tughluq plotted his father's death, the case never has been proved. Muhammad ibn Tughluq becomes the sultan of Delhi....
1327...............Edward III. son of Edward II, became king.......
1337...............Begining of “Hundred year War”.......
1347-51...............Black Death kills 25 million people in Europe

1351..................Firuz Shah Tughluq, cousin of Muhammad ibn Tughluq takes over....
1357Ibn Batuta finished his book on travel, The Rihla......................
1377Ibn Batuta died.......Begining of Ming dynasty (1368)...Richard II, grand son of Edward III, becomes the king.......
1388..................Firuz Shah Tughluq dies....
1398..................Timur (Tamerlane) from modern Uzbekistan, (of Mongol origin), invaded India. It is said that Timur ordered the execution of at least 50,000 captives before the battle for Delhi. The sack of the city was devastating. Everything of value was removed....
1399...............Henry IV, grandson of Edward III, becomes the king of England.......
1401..................For the next 100 years or so, India saw the rise of regional states because of the lack of strong leadership.Timur occupied Damascus. Baghdad was also taken by storm, 20,000 of its citizens were massacred, and all its monuments were destroyed.
1404.....................Timur returned to Samarkand.
1405.....................Timur (Tamerlane) died.
1413...............Henry V, son of Henry IV, became king of England.......
1422...............Henry VI, son of Henry V, became the king.......
1450...Rise of Inca empire in west coast of South America...................
1451..................With the Lodi conquest of Jaunpur Delhi appeared to re-establish its hegemony over North India. Bahlul Lodi Starts the Lodi dynasty in Delhi....
1453...............End of “Hundred year War”...Turks conpuer Constantinopole. End of Byzantine Empire, Ottoman Empire begins.

1455...............Press is invented......
1461...............Edward IV became king of England. He was not the son of Henry VI. He was the son of Richard, duke of York.......
1473...............Sistine Chapel is built.......
1478...............Start of Spanish Inquisition controlled by the Spanish kings. It was set up to discover and punish converted Jews and Muslims who were insincere. However, soon no Spaniard could feel safe from it.......
1483...............Edward V, son of Edward IV, became king of England. Richard III, brother of Edward IV, became the king.......
1485...............Henry VII, became the king of England. He founded the Tudor dynasty. He was the son of Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond.......
1488Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope......................
1489..................Sikandar, son of Bahlul Lodi, takes over....
1492...Colombus lands in central America.........End of Moorish (Muslim) rule in Iberian peninsula (Spain).......
1497..................Vasco da Gamma discovers route to India....
1503...............Leonardo da Vinci paints Monalisa......
1504...............Michelangelo completed his masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture 'David'

Sikandar Lodi founded the city of Agra....
1509...............Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Henry VIII, son of Henry VII, became the king of England.......
1517..................Ibrahim Lodi takes over....
1520.....................Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent was crowned
1526..................Babur defeats Ibrahim Lodi at the 1st battle of Panipat and takes over Delhi. Babur appoints Sher Khan governor of Bihar....
1530...End of Inca empire in South America.............Humayun becomes emp....
1535...............Henry VIII makes himself head of English Church after being excommunicated by Pope.

The Other Boleyn Girl
1537..................Sher Khan takes over Bengal....
1540..................Sher Khan (later Sher Shah) of Bihar defeats Humayun....
1542...............Pope Paul III assigned the Roman Inquisition. to combat Protestantism, but it is best known historically for its condemnation of Galileo. ......
1543...............Copernicus publishes “On the Revolution of Heavenly Bodies”......
1547...............Edward VI, son of Henry VIII, became the king of England.......
1553...............Mary I, daughter of Henry VIII, became the queen of England.......
1555..................With Persian support Humayun conquers Delhi and dies soon after....
1556..................Akbar becomes emperor. Akbar defeats the Afghans at the 2nd battle of Panipat. ...
1558...............Elizabeth I, daughter of Henry VIII and sister of Edward VI, is crowned.

Queen Elizabeth I
1564...............William Shakespeare is born......
1566.....................Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent died.
1582...............Pope Gregory XIII implements the Gregorian calendar......
1603...............James I, son of Mary Queen of Scots, became the king. Mary was related to Elizabeth I.......
1605..................Akbar dies. His son Jahangir becomes emp. Jahangir granted trading privileges first to the Portuguese and then to the British East India Company. ...
1608..................Dhaka became Mughal capital of Bengal ....
1610...............Galileo sees the moons of Jupiter through his telescope......
1611..................Jahangir married a persian widow, Nur Jahan....
1619...Begining of slave trade in America...................
1622..................Shah Jahan rebelled against his father....
1625...............Charles I, son of James I, became the king of England.......
1627..................Shah Jahan becomes emp. Shivaji , venerated in Maharashtra as the father of 'the Maratha nation', was born....
1629.................. Shah Jahan ordered to build Tajmahal after the death of his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal. ...
1642...............English Civil war begins. It was Perliament against Charles I.......
1643.........Begining of Qing (Manchu) dynasty (1644)......Tajmahal completed

1649...............King Charles I is beheaded by order of Parliament. England is ruled by Commonwealth with Oliver Cromwell as the Lord protector until Charles II is crowned.......
1657..................Shah Jahan became ill....
1658..................Shah Jahan was deposed and imprisoned for the rest of his life by his son Aurangzeb, who became emp....
1660...............Charles II, son of Charles I becomes the king of England.......
1665...............Great plague in London kills 75,000......
1666...............Great fire of London......
1685...............James II, brother of Charles II, became the king of England.......
1689...............William III, grandson of Charles I, became the king of England. Peter the Great become the Czar of Russia.......
1702...............Anne, daughter of James II, became the queen of England.......
1704..................Nawab Murshid Quli Khan following Aurangzeb's orders, transferred the capital from Dhaka to Murshidabad. ...
1707..................Aurangzeb dies. His son Bahadur Shah I becomes emp....
1712..................Bahadur Shah I died, Jahandar Shah became emp....
1713..................Jahandar Shah overthrown by his nephew Farrukh Siyar....
1714...............Queen Anne died and George I, becomes the king of England. He was the great grandson of James I.......
1719..................Deposition of the Mughal emperor Farrukh Siyar The son of Shah Jahan, Muhammad Shah becomes emperor....
1727...............George II, son of George I, becomes the king of England.......
1739..................Nadir Shah of Iran defeated the Mughals. As a reprisal against the killing of some of his soldiers, Nadir ordered the massacre of some 30,000 Delhi citizens. The invader left Delhi in May laden with a booty estimated 700 million rupees. His plunder included the famous Koh-i-noor diamond and the jewel-studded Peacock Throne of Shah Jahan. He compelled Muhammad Shah to cede to him the province of Kabul....
1748..................Ahmad Shah became Emp....
1754..................Alamgir II became emp....
1756..................Ali Vardi Khan, the Nawab of Bengal, died....
1757..................East India Company establishes power in Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and the east coast. After the battle of Plassey. Siraj-ud-Dawlah is killed. Clive, with an army of 3,000, defeated the nawab and his army of 50,000. British rule begins.

1759..................Mughal Emp. Alamgir II is mudered. His son Shah Alam II became the Emp. ...
1760...............George III, grandson of George II, became the king of England.......
1761..................In the 3rd battle of Panipat Afghans defeat the Marathas....
1764..................At the Battle of Buxar (in Bihar), emperor, Shah Alam II, was defeated. As a result, Shah Alam was forced to appoint the company to diwan (collector of revenue) for the area of Bengal, Bihar, and Orisaa....
1765...............James Watt invents the steam engineThe Treaty of Allahabad was signed on 16 August 1765 between the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II and Robert Clive of the East India Company. The Treaty marked the beginning of British rule in India.

Dhaka passed under British control.
1769...............Industrial Revolution begins in England.......
1773..................Warren Hastings became the first Governor General of India. ...
1776...The American Revolution started after the declaration of Independence on 4th of July..................
1781...American Revolution ended after the decisive war in Yorktown...................
1788......First european settlement.........Delhi was captured by the Rohillas, who blinded Emp. Shah Alam II and deposed him. ...
1789...George Washington becomes the first president of USA..........French Revolution (1789 - 1799)......
1791...............Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died

1792..................East India Company took control of Mysore by defeating Tipu Sultan. (Son of Haidar Ali)....
1799.....................Rosetta Stone discovered in Egypt.
1801...Thomas Jefferson becomes president of USA...................
1803..................British takes over Delhi and Agra. They restored Shah Alam II to the throne Emp. received protection in return for homage and allegiance. ...
1804...............Napoleon Bonaparte, a Frence general becomes emperor of France.......
1805..................Haji Shariatullah launched Faraizi movement in Bengal....
1806..................Akbar Shah II became emp....
1807...............Slave Trade Act was passed in England on 25 March 1807 banning slave trade in the United Kingdom and all its colonies.

Amazing Grace
1809...James Madison becomes president...................
1814..................East India Company expanded its rule by defeating Nepal....
1817...James Monroe becomes President...................
1819..................Marathas were finally defeated by EIC....
1820...............George IV, son of George III, became the king of England.......
1822...............Greeks proclaims a republic and independence from Turkey.......
1825...John Quincy Adams becomes president...................
1827...............Ludwig van Beethoven died

Copying Beethoven
1828..................Lord William Bentinck becomes Governor-General....
1829...Andrew Jackson becomes President.............Sati (suttee) daho protha is abolished by Lord William Bentinck....
1830...............William IV, 3rd son of George III, became the king of England.......
1831..................Titu Mir (real name: Mir Nasir Ali) died on 19th Nov 1831 fighting the British forces at Narkelbaria, a village near Calcutta. He raised the peasants against landlord, Krishna Deva Raj...
1834...............Spanish Inquisition abolished.......
1837...Martin Van Buren becomes President..........Victoria becomes queen of EnglandBahadur Shah II (Bahadur Shah Zafar) becomes emp....
1839.........First Opium war starts between Britain and China.............
1843..................EIC takes over Sind....
1844...Morse invented the telegraph...................
1845...James Knox Polk becomes President..................
1847...Edison is born...................
1848..................Lord Dalhousie becomes Governor General (1848-56)...
1849...California gold rush begins.............EIC takes over Punjab...
1853...Franklin Pierce becomes President...................
1857..................Sipoy Mutiny. The last Moghul emp, Bahadur Shah II, sided against the British.

1858...Abraham Lincon makes strong anti-slavery speech.............British Crown took over India. Bahadur Shah II was exiled, his monarchy abolished, and his heirs executed. ...
1859...............Darwin publishes “Origin of Species”....Work begins on Suez Canal
1861...Civil War begins.

Dances with Wolves
............Birth of Rabindronath Tagore....
1862...President Abraham Lincoln signed a bill ending slavery in the District of Columbia. ..................
1864..................Dhaka municipality is established....
1865...President Lincoln was shot Apr. 14 by John Wilkes Booth in Ford’s Theater, Washington; died the following morning.

US Constitution amended (Amendment XIII) to abolish slavery. Dec 6.
1869...............French electrical engineer and inventor , Gramme, Zénobe-Théophile developed electric generator.

Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev published the Periodic Table of chemical elements.

Leo Tolstoy publishes War and Peace.
1875..................A Muslim school was established at Aligarh by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. Which later became the famous Aligarh university....
1876...Bell patented telephone..................
1877...Edison invents gramophone...................
1880...Edison invents electric light...................
1886..................British takes over Burma....
1895...............X-Ray discovered by German physicist Roentgen.Lord Curzon becomes the Governor General of India....
1896...............Marconi invented Radio Telegraph.......
1901...Marconi sent radio telegraph signal accross the Atlantic ocean..........Queen Victoria dies. Edward VII becomes the king of England.......
1903...Henry Ford sets up the Ford motor company..........Wright Brothers invented aeroplane.......
1905...............Albert Einstein develops the “The Special Theory of Relativity” at the Zurich University.Bengal was partitioned by Lord Curzon on the basis of Hindus & Muslims. Dhaka became capital of Eastern Bengal and Assam province. Swadeshi and Swaraj became the slogan. Violence was believed to be the only way to overthrow the British....
1906..................Muslim League was formed....
1910...Voice over radio was first transmitted..........George V, son of Edward VII, became the king of England.......
1911..................Capital is moved to Delhi from Calcutta. Bengal partition cancelled....
1912.........End of Qing (Manchu) dynasty....Titanic sinks......
1913..................Rabindronath wins nobel prize....
1914...............World War I begins.Gandi returns to India from South Africa....
1917...............Tsar Nicholas II of Russia was forced to abdicate during the February Revolution.

October Revolution (Bolsheviks) followed.

Dr Zivago
1918......Marconi sent the first radio message from England to Australia.......Last Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra and their 5 children were executed by the Bolsheviks.......
1919..................April 13th 1919, thousands of people were brutally massacred, in Jallianwala Bagh (Amritsar, Punjab), by General Dyer. Mahatma Gandi begins his Non Violence movement in India....
1920...............League of Nations formed...Ottoman Empire ends.
1921..................Dhaka University is established....
1922...............USSR formed....Egyptologist Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamen's ancient tomb.
1928...............Scottish biologist Sir Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin...Dorothy Garrod excavated Es Skhul, a prehistoric cave site situated 20 km south of the city of Haifa.
1931...Edison died..................
1934.........Mao Zedong begins Long March with 100,000 soldiers.............
1936...............Edward VIII, son of George V, became the king of England. He abdicated on the same year. His brother George VI became the king of England.......
1939...............Germany invades Poland. World War II begins.

Schindler's List
1941..................Rabindronath Thakur died....
1945...US drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima. 130,000 people died...................
1947...Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl drifter in a raft named Kon-Tiki from Peru to the Polynesian islands supporting his theory that native South Americans populated the Polynesian islands.

............India wins freedom.Pakistan is created. The Nizam of Hyderabad elected to resume independent status rather than join India. ...
1948Apartheid policy adopted by South Africa.

Cry Freedom
...............Gandi is assassinated. Hyderabad was invaded by India, and within four days it was included to India....
1950..................Uttar Pradesh became a state....
1953..................Edmund Hillary reaches the summit of Mt. Everest....
1954.........Rule of France ends in Vietnam.............
1956..................The state of Hyderabad ceased to exist administratively. It was divided along the linguistic lines among the states of Andhra Pradesh, which took the Telangana districts; Mysore, which took the Kannada speaking districts; and Bombay. Berar had already been merged with Madhya Pradesh....
1957...............Russia launches Sputnik.......
1961..................After years of border tensions and guerrilla warfare, Indian troops invaded and occupied Goa....
1963...JFK was assassinated in Dallas

...President of South Vietnam killed by the communists. Start of Vietnam War.............
1964..................Jawahar Lal Neheru dies....
1966..................Indira Gandhi becomes PM...
1968...The skeleton of a 12,600 years old Clovis child was discovered in western Montana. DNA recovered from the skeleton proves native Americans came from Asia across the Bering strait...................
1969............Homo sapiens land on the moon..........
1971..................After nine months of war Bangladesh bacomes a free and independent nation....
1972Idi Amin expelled 80,000 Indians from Uganda.

Mississippi Masala
...............The capital of Assam was shifted from Shillong (now in Meghalaya) to Dispur, a suburb of Guwahati (formerly Gauhati)....
1975.........Vietnam War ends.............
1991...............USSR dissolved.......
Compiled by: Anisur Rahman. Home