
How to Search

Contents of is made up of

- Texts
- PDF Files (Bangla & English)
- Photos
- Posters
- Captions etc

Any words you enter in the Search box are matched against the Texts, Captions, File names (for PDF, Photos & Posters) and hidden comments.

If you enter more than one word, Search will performs a logical AND operation. That is, all the words must be found in an item for it to be selected. Order of the words do not matter. For example [Bangladesh Gold Cup] and [Gold Cup Bangladesh] will produce the same result.

Search works in both capital and small letters.

Search does a logical AND operation with the search words you enter. One drawback of this is, if one of the words is not found in an item it will not be selected.

Search for one word first. Then narrow it down by additional words.

For example: If you are looking for `Bangladesh Gold Cup`

1st search for [Bangladesh]
then try [Bangladesh Gold]
then try [Bangladesh Gold Cup]
and so on.

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