A Sons Reflection on His Blessed Mothers Passing Pushkin Rahman
It is with profound sadness that a son has to reflect on his dear mothers passing. On Wednesday July 17th at 12pm my mother Shamim Rahman, a stalwart of the Bangladeshi community passed away into the hands of our Lord Allah SWT. She was 74.
Amma worked for over 45 years in the service of the elderly, working in nursing homes across the eastern suburbs of Sydney, whilst also serving the new Bangladeshi community in her homes in Randwick, and Pagewood in later years. These homes would serve as a haven for new and old migrants, and a stage for learning Bangladeshi dance and song. Many of our first and second generations owe much of their cultural heritage and understanding to amma’s unfathomable energy and gusto for life and culture.
One never really saw amma without a radiant and infectious smile, and this was true of her to the very end.
She was at Moran Aged Care Home in Engadine for the last year of her life after she was diagnosed with motor neuron disease (MND), which she suffered with for almost 2 years before she passed. May God accept her final years of suffering as an earthly purgatory, and grant her the highest heaven into the very presence of our Lord, Insha’Allah.
Paradise lies under the feet of mothers….Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un