
New Organisation UDOY (উদয়) formed

Hello, this is Dr. Laila Arzuman living in Epping Sydney. I would like to bring to your attention a brand new non-for-profit association about to be formed with the name UDOY Inc. already registered with NSW Fair Trading in June 2023 (INC2300621).

UDOY is an acronym standing for Unity among Diversified Optimist Youths. Within the logo of UDOY there are flag colours of Australia, Australian Aboriginals and Bangladesh. The rising sun also represents Bangladesh. UDOY Inc. will consist of a team of dedicated young professionals with multicultural Australian identities led by myself.

I have a PhD in Cancer Research from University of Sydney (Sydney Medical School within Faculty of Medicine and Health) completed in 2014 followed by nine years of postdoctoral experience in Cancer Research involving preclinical and clinical works.

UDOY Inc. aims to serve New South Wales community at large Cancer Council of New South Wales in particular. Its specific objective is to raise funds for the Cancer Council of NSW through community drives and activities towards facilitating development of innovative anticancer drugs without side effects and problems of drug resistance.

It is reported that 1 in 2 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, UDOY Inc. aims hosting fundraising events in the community to support Cancer Council of Australia to raise the funds for NSW cancer researchers towards developing innovative drugs and more effective prevention methods to understand what triggers tumorigenesis, ultimate goal is to free humanity from cancer.

With the aim of establishing the organization, a general meeting of interested people will be held next month where an ad hoc committee would be formed to draft the constitution. This will be followed by a general meeting at which an executive committee and board of advisers will be elected.

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